The band NEBO '47 also known as Forty-Seven Sky or Heaven
Forty-Seven at your choice, is an oldschool hard rock, plus 10
kilowatts of our perfect sound at your event!
NEBO '47 is officially informing about its re-birth!
At the moment, the rock band NEBO '47 gathered in the very
composition that took place on the last day and the last hour of
Nebo-747 band from the far eighties. Let us list them
- Alexander Pinsky, drums, vocals,
- Georgy Petrov, guitar, vocals,
- Fedor Nikitin, keyboards, vocals,
- Vyacheslav Morozov, bass, vocals.
Please, call or write to invite NEBO '47 band to your tomorrow party!
Tell your friends!
Select language, please!
In the current three-hour set of the band NEBO '47 - the cover
versions of the rock hits '70 and '80 in Russian and English in the form
of a real rock concert! In a word, the music that the band's musicians
have got directly after the mom's milk! The band is glad to see at its
concerts the supporters of the good old hard rock, play immortal hits for
you and sing them with you!
Often, a band serving corporate and private parties do not want to
spend much energy, and bring to the show only a part of the band,
taking with them the parts of missing musicians in the form of the files
for playback. Some of these bands do not play music at all and do their
show with the playback of pre-recorded track, aptly called a "plywood" on
Our band is on a different path! All the songs sound for you completely
alive, the sound is born here and now! No deception, no "plywood" and
the like! That must be why our musicians always manage to attract and
retain the attention of our dear listeners during the whole concert! All
night long!
Having entrusted the cultural part of your holiday to us, you will no
longer care about renting an amplifiers and speakers, a background
music accompaniment and a midnight goa and trance. All this things we
will bring to your party. Is 5 kW enough? Or grab more? This approach
allows our customers to significantly reduce costs and at the same time
get a real rock show at their party!
Join our friendly Vkontakte community! There you will find many
more new photos, records and friends of course!
You can learn about the hot news and write to the public chat of the
community about your impressions of our show! Click the button! We
are waiting for you!
Saint-Petersburg, Russia 2017.