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Geos Digital Shop
Great solutions for reasonable price!
    *Customer support.
    We will definitely take the time to help our buyer by e-mail in case of difficulties connected directly with the examples from the distributions,  
but however, we do not accept the returns and do not refunds.
    Having paid for our distributive, you will acquire comprehensive information that will allow you to create your own wireless remote control for Mach3 on your Android!
Saint-Petersburg, Russia  2017.
Communy street 30-1
Saint-Petersburg 195030

along with other nesessary working example files from our practice.
    Based on this example, you can master
Vectir® software in the required volume in order to create and customize your own Mach3 Remote, taking into account the kinematics of your CNC, as well as make any other remote controlls for your computer that performs the vital tasks: smart house and security systems management, etc. etc.
    Your email address will be stored in our customers list to provide you the support.* We do not disclose your contact information.
   You can use the next button for quick purchase  Mach3_Remote.zip  file to install Mach3 Remote!
    After you pay, we will send the download link to email address you provided. Please, check both your Inbox and Spam folders!
containing a clear example of how to create a custom lattice structure in Autodesk Netfabb®. The purchase also includes 3D models of cells of professional quality of 5 density levels and the result of the lesson - a 3D model of a part with an embedded structure (like on YouTube video)! Based on this example, you will be able to master the most important functions of the Autodesk Netfabb program in the required volume in order to independently create author's lattice structures- arrays, taking into account the features of your parts and 3D printing equipment.
     Your email address will be stored in our customers list to provide you the support.* We do not disclose your contact information.

     By paying for this package, you will receive a detailed tutorial in *.pdf format with illustrations on the topic of your interest
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  Here, in a concise form, the tips of an experienced carpenter are set forth, comprehensive three-dimensional sketches are presented, exhaustive data on the dimensions of each part of the workbench, and the sequence of assembly is described step by step! We added detailed 3D model to this distributive, made in the Rhinoceros program, in *.3dm format!
By George Petrov, Saint-Petersburg, 2016
High-poly 3D mesh model of a horn that matches a 1A-22 ЛОМО mid-high-frequency speaker with an acoustic environment.
For 3D plastic printing, and for metal casting.

Format: *.stl
Dimensions, mm: 200x348x117
Volume, cu. sm: 316.125
Horn wall thickness, mm: 3
Opening angle to panorama, degrees: 120
Throat, mm: circle, 25.4
Curve: tractrix

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    After you pay, we will send the download link to email address you provided. Please, check both your Inbox and Spam folders!
    After you pay, we will send the download link to email address you provided. Please, check both your Inbox and Spam folders!
    After you pay, we will send the download link to email address you provided. Please, check both your Inbox and Spam folders!
Completing a purchase
Completing a purchase
Completing a purchase